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Fat Dissolving Injections

Lemon Bottle is a new advanced lipolysis solution for the face and body.

Lemon Bottle is a high-concentration fat dissolve solution that combines

Riboflavin (vitamin B2) and other premium ingredients that create

fat decomposition by accelerating metabolism of fat cells.

Minimal swelling, minimal pain.

Begins working immediately.

How long does lemon bottle fat dissolving take to work?

24 hours

This non-surgical treatment targets stubborn fat pockets that won't shift and can be carried out anywhere on the face and body. Lemon Bottle is the industry's fastest and strongest fat dissolver, showing results within 24 hours.


How many sessions of lemon bottle fat dissolving?

Depending on the area treated and the amount of fat involved, several sessions may be required to achieve the desired result. Results can be start to be seen after 24 hours, We recommend a minimum of 3 sessions in order to achieve effective results.


What are the side effects of lemon bottle fat dissolve?

You may experience swelling, bruising, itching, pain, sensitivity to pressure and excessive warmth at the injection site however, this is usually resolved within three to five days.

Can I eat after lemon bottle?

Any abdominal areas require you to fast for 6 hours prior and 6 hours after so bear that in mind when booking your appointment, (this includes milk in coffee.) This is so you get the most out of the session and your fat cells start to break down quickly and more effectively.

Arm/chin areas do not require any fasting.


How do you get the best results from fat dissolving?

If possible get a sauna before treatment this can help to mobilise the fat.

If it's unavoidable to go into the sun, wear SPF 50 at all times.

Avoid Gym and heavy exercise for 48 hours after treatment,

as sweating will cause you to excrete the solution

we've injected into the skin, which will reduce

the treatment's effectiveness.

Get results in 2 hours

Excellent Fat decomposition

Increases metabolism

No swelling

No downtime


🍋Double Chin Area £100 🍋Arms ('bingo wings') £120 🍋Bra Bulge (back) area £120 🍋Love Handles £135 🍋Hour Glass Curves £150 🍋Abdomen £150 🍋Inner thighs £100 🍋Outer thighs £100 

Lemon Bottle


B SCULPT offers even better muscle building and fat reduction results; it has also been clinically shown to reduce fat more effectively than cryolipolysis treatments. ... Is it “Worth It” an impressive increase in muscle tone....absolutely YES !

FDA-cleared body-sculpting procedure that builds muscle and burns fat. It delivers high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) pulses to the muscle tissue, creating supramaximal muscle contractions that activate more muscle fibers than what you can achieve through normal exercise. 

This nonsurgical treatment can tighten, tone, and strengthen the large muscle groups of the abdomen and buttocks as well as of smaller body areas, including the upper arms, thighs, and calves. The result is increased muscle definition and reduced circumference.

30 minute session - £45 8 session £320

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